Habeun Choi

Senior Researcher
Advanced Structures and Seismic Safety Research Division
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
- Ph.D., School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, Feb. 2020
- B.S., School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, Feb. 2011
- Researcher, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Dec. 2021 - present
- Post-doctoral Researcher, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Mar. 2020 - Dec. 2021
- Visiting Scholar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Jul. 2018 - Jul. 2019
- Two- and Three-dimensional Arbitrary Crack Path Prediction for Mixed-mode Nonlinear Fracture using Cohesive Zone Modeling, Ph.D. Thesis, 2020
- Best Conference Paper Award, Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping (KPVP), Dec. 2020
- Merit Thesis Award, PhD thesis, Yonsei University, Dec. 2020
- Merit Academic Paper Award, Yonsei University, Nov. 2019
Journal Publications (published or in press)
- H. Choi, H-R. Cui, and K. Park, 2022, Evaluation of stress intensity factor for arbitrary and low-quality meshes using virtual grid-based stress recovery (VGSR), Engineering Fracture Mechanics 263, 108172
- H. Choi, H. Chi, K.Park, and G.H. Paulino, 2021, Computational Morphogenesis: Morphologic constructions using polygonal discretizations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122(1), 25-52
- H. Choi, K. Park, and G.H. Paulino, 2020, Mixed-mode fatigue crack growth using cohesive zone modeling, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 240, 107234
- H. Choi, and K. Park, 2019, Removing mesh bias in mixedâmode cohesive fracture simulation with stress recovery and domain integral, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 120(9), 1047-1070
- K. Ha, H. Choi, M.Shin, and K. Park, 2018, On the size effect of interfacial fracture between concrete and fiber reinforced polymer, Cement and Concrete Composites 93, 99-106
- K. Park, H. Choi, and G.H. Paulino, 2016, Assessment of cohesive traction-separation relationships in ABAQUS: A comparative study, Mechanics Research Communications 78, 71-78
- K. Park, K. Ha, H. Choi, and C.J. Lee, 2015, Prediction of interfacial fracture between concrete and fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) by using cohesive zone modeling, Cement and Concrete Composites 63, 122-131
- E.K. Kim, H. Choi, K. Park, and W.H. Kang, 2015, Deterministic and Probabilistic Investigation on Multiple Crack Interactions in a Semi-Infinite Domain, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015, 305397
Journal Publications (under review or preparation)
- H. Choi, H. Chi, and K. Park, Virtual element method for mixed-mode cohesive fracture simulation with element split and domain integral (in preparation)
International Conference Presentations
- H. Choi, H. Chi, and K. Park, 2021, Accurate crack path prediction in mixed-mode cohesive fracture using virtual element method, 16th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM16), Virtual Event
- K. Park, H. Choi, and H-R. Cui, 2021, Computation of stress intensity factor for arbitrary and low quality meshes, 16th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM16), Virtual Event
- H. Choi, H. Chi, K. Park, and G.H. Paulino, 2019, Adaptive mesh morphogenesis using Virtual Element Method, 15th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM15), Austin, United States
- H. Choi, K. Park, and M. Kim, 2018, Two- and three- dimensional crack path prediction for mixed-mode cohesive fracture by using cohesive zone modeling, The 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM13), New York, United States
- H. Choi, and K. Park, 2017, Removing mesh bias in a cohesive surface element approach for two- and three- dimensional mixed-mode fracture analysis, 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14), Montreal, Canada
- H. Choi, and K. Park, 2016, Crack path prediction of 3D mixed-mode fracture by using cohesive zone modeling, The 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM12), Seoul, Republic of Korea
- H. Choi, and K. Park, 2015, Accurate crack path representation in a cohesive surface element approach for mixed-mode fracture analysis, 13th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM13), San Diego, United States
Domestic Conference Presentations
- H. Choi, and K. Park, 2021, Stress intensity factor evaluation and crack path prediction using the virtual grid technique for low quality and arbitrary mesh, The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Conference - Spring, Jeju, Republic of Korea
- H. Choi, and K. Park, 2020, Stress recovery and stress intensity factor evaluation using the virtual mesh grid, Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping (KPVP) Conference - Fall, Virtual Event
- H. Choi, and K. Park, 2017, Two- and three- dimensional concrete crack propagation simulation by using extrinsic cohesive zone modeling, Korea Concrete Institute (KCI) Conference - Fall, Andong, Republic of Korea
- H. Choi, and K. Park, 2017, Nonlinear crack propagation analysisfor materials with microstructure, Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea (COSEIK), Buyeo, Republic of Korea
- H. Choi, and K. Park, 2016, Three-dimensional nonlinear crack propagation simulation by using extrinsic cohesive zone modeling, Korean Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE) Conference, Jeju, Republic of Korea