Archival Journals (published or in press)

H. Choi, M. Ju, D. F. T. Razakamandimby R., K. Park, 2025, Cohesive zone modeling of crack propagation, branching, and coalescence in multiphase composites, Computational Mechanics (in press)

J. Hong, M. Kang, H. Choi, J. Min, M. Ju, and K. Park, 2025, Non-destructive evaluation of micro-damage near concrete anchors under dynamic loading, Construction and Building Materials, 469, 140466

T. Kanazawa, K. Hashimoto, K. Park, and H. Takahashi, 2025, Statistical perspective to time-dependent pull-out behavior of discrete fibers: A review, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 23, 99-115

B.M. Kim, K. Park, H. Baek, J. Lee, and C. Kweon, 2024, Models for topographic amplification based on finite element analyses considering topographic features and ground motions in Japan, Natural Hazards 120, 11825-11849

M.T. Palou, J. Podhorská, M. Ju, K. Park, J. Čepčianska, M. Žemlička, J. Koplík, and R. Novotný, 2024, Formulation of mixture proportions and experimental study of heavyweight self-compacting concrete based on magnetite and barite, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 149, 10545-10558

S.-W. Hong, S.-Y. Kim, K. Park, K. Terada, H. Lee, T.-S. Han, 2024, Mechanical property evaluation of 3D multi-phase cement paste microstructures reconstructed using generative adversarial networks, Cement and Concrete Composites, 152, 105646

J. Park, S. Kwoen, and K. Park, 2024, Gurson-cohesive modeling (GCM) for 3D ductile fracture simulation, International Journal of Plasticity 175, 103914

D. F. T. Razakamandimby R., H.-T. Kim, T.-S. Han, Y. H. Lee, and K. Park, 2024, Recursive aggregate segmentation by erosion and reconstitution (RASER) to characterize concrete microstructure using complementarity of X-ray and neutron computed tomography, Cement and Concrete Composites 148, 105437

S.-Y. Kim, D. Eum, H. Lee, K. Park, K. Terada, and T.-S. Han, 2024, Evaluating tensile strength of cement paste using multiscale modeling and in-situ splitting tests with micro-CT, Construction and Building Materials 383, 130993

S. Jeon, M. Ju, J. Park, H. Choi, and K. Park, 2023, Prediction of concrete anchor pull-out failure using cohesive zone modeling, Construction and Building Materials 383, 130993

T.-S. Han, D. Eum, S.-Y. Kim, J.-S. Kim, J.-H. Lim, K. Park, D. Stephan, 2023, Multi-scale analysis framework for predicting tensile strength of cement paste by combining experiments and simulations, Cement & Concrete Composites 139, 105006

H. Choi, H. Chi, and K. Park, 2023, Virtual element method for mixed-mode cohesive fracture simulation with element split and domain integral, International Journal of Fracture 240, 51–70

T.-H. Kwon, J. Park, H. Jeong, and K. Park, 2023, Assessment of speckle-pattern quality using deep-learning-based CNN, Experimental Mechanics 63, 163–176

H.T. Kim, and K. Park, 2022, Computed tomography (CT) image-based analysis of concrete microstructure using virtual element method, Composite Structures 299, 115937

J.-S. Kim, J.-H. Lim, D. Stephan, K. Park, and T.-S. Han, 2022, Mechanical behavior comparison of single and multiple phase models for cement paste using micro-CT images and nanoindentation, Construction and Building Materials 342, 127938

H. Choi, H-R. Cui, and K. Park, 2022, Evaluation of stress intensity factor for arbitrary and low-quality meshes using virtual grid-based stress recovery (VGSR), Engineering Fracture Mechanics 263, 108172

H.T. Kim, T.H. Kwon, and K. Park, 2021, Numerical evaluation of long-term neutron irradiation damage on reinforced concrete (RC) members, Construction and Building Materials 302, 124252

H.T. Kim, D.F.T. Razakamandimby, V. Szilagyi, K. Zoltan, L. Szentmiklosi, M.A. Glinicki, and K. Park, 2021 Reconstruction of concrete microstructure using complementarity of X-ray and neutron tomography, Cement and Concrete Research 148, 106540

K. Park, H. Chi, and G.H. Paulino, 2021, B-bar virtual element method for nearly incompressible and compressible materials, Meccanica 56, 1423-1439

J.-H. Moon, Y.-Y. Jang, N.-S. Huh, D.-J. Shim, and K. Park, 2021, Application of cohesive zone model to large scale circumferential through-wall and 360° surface cracked pipes under static and dynamic loadings, Nuclear Engineering and Technology 53, 974-987

H. Choi, H. Chi, K. Park, and G.H. Paulino, 2021, Computational Morphogenesis: Morphologic constructions using polygonal discretizations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122, 25-52

H. Baek, C. Kweon, and K. Park, 2020, Multiscale dynamic fracture analysis of composite materials using adaptive microstructure modeling, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 121, 5719-5741

H. Choi, K. Park, and G.H. Paulino, 2020, Mixed-mode fatigue crack growth using cohesive zone modeling, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 240, 107234

M. Ju, J.-G. Jeong, M. Palou, and K. Park, 2020, Mechanical behavior of fine recycled concrete aggregate concrete with the mineral admixtures, Materials 13(10), 2264

K. Park, H. Chi, and G.H. Paulino, 2020, Numerical recipes on virtual element method for elasto-dynamic explicit time integration, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 121, 1-31

M. Ju, K. Park, and W. Park, 2019, Mechanical behavior of recycled fine aggregates concrete with high slump property in normal- and high- strength, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials 13, 61

H. Choi, and K. Park, 2019, Removing mesh bias in mixed-mode cohesive fracture simulation with stress recovery and domain integral, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 120, 1047-1070

K. Park, H. Chi, and G.H. Paulino, 2019, On nonconvex meshes for elastodynamics using virtual element method with explicit time integration, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 356, 669-684

K. Park, C.W. Chung, C.J. Lee, and T.H. Kwon, 2019, Investigation of neutron radiation effects on properties of cement paste by using small-angle neutron scattering, Cement and Concrete Research 123, 105791

M. Ju, K. Park, K. Lee, K.Y. Ahn, and J. Sim, 2019, Assessment of reliability-based FRP reinforcement ratio for concrete structures with recycled coarse aggregate, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 69(4), 399-405

K. Park, H.T. Kim, and D.J. Kim, 2019, Generalized finite element formulation of fiber beam elements for distributed plasticity in multiple regions, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 34, 146-163

H.D. Nguyen, E. Choi, and K. Park, 2018, Dilation behavior of normal strength concrete confined by FRP wire jackets, Construction and Building Materials 190, 728-739

M. Ju, K. Park, and C. Park, 2018, Punching shear behavior of two-way concrete slabs reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars, Polymers 10(8), 893

K. Ha, H. Choi, M. Shin, and K. Park, 2018, On size effect of interfacial fracture between concrete and fiber reinforced polymer, Cement & Concrete Composites 93, 99-106

H. Baek, and K. Park, 2018, Cohesive frictional-contact model for dynamic fracture simulation under compression, International Journal of Solids and Structures 144-145, 86-99

M. Ju, K. Park, D. Moon, C. Park, and J. Sim, 2018, On strain measurement of smart GFRP bars with built-in fiber Bragg grating sensor, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 65(2), 155-162

M. Ju, K. Park, and H. Oh, 2017, Estimation of compressive strength of high strength concrete using non-destructive technique and concrete core strength, Applied Sciences, 7(12), 1249

J. Park, S. Youn, T.H. Kwon, and K. Park, 2017, Assessment of speckle pattern quality in digital image correlation based on gray intensity and speckle morphology, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 91, 62-72

E. Choi, H. Youn, K. Park, J.-S. Jeon , 2017, Vibration tests of precompressed rubber springs and a flag-shaped smart damper, Engineering Structures 132, 372-382

K. Park, H. Choi, and G.H. Paulino, 2016, Assessment of cohesive traction-separation relationships in ABAQUS: A comparative study, Mechanics Research Communications 78, 71-78

K. Park, H.T. Kim, T.H. Kwon, and E. Choi, 2016, Effect of neutron irradiation on response of reinforced concrete members for nuclear power plants, Nuclear Engineering and Design 310, 15-26

M. Choi, K. Park, and T. Oh, 2016, Viscoelastic properties of fresh cement paste to study the flow behavior, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials 10(3), 65-74

W.H. Kang, T.H. Kwon, H.T. Kim, and K. Park, 2016, Design strength evaluation of RC beams under radiation environments for nuclear power plants, Nuclear Engineering and Design 301, 101-110

K. Ha, H. Baek, and K. Park, 2015, Convergence of fracture process zone size in cohesive zone modeling, Applied Mathematical Modelling 39, 5828-5836

K. Park, K. Ha, H. Choi, and C.J. Lee, 2015, Prediction of interfacial fracture between concrete and fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) by using cohesive zone modeling, Cement & Concrete Composites 63, 122-131

E.K. Kim, H. Choi, K. Park, and W.H. Kang, 2015, Deterministic and probabilistic investigation on multiple crack interactions in a semi-infinite domain, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015, 305397-1-9.

E. Choi, J.-H. Lee, and K. Park, 2014, Effect of confining pressure due to external jacket of steel plate or SMA wire on bond behavior between concrete and steel reinforcing bars, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 14, 9657-9661

R. Espinha, K. Park, G.H. Paulino, and W. Celes, 2013, Scalable parallel dynamic fracture simulation using an extrinsic cohesive zone model, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 266, 144-161

E. Choi, J.S. Jeon, B.S. Choi, and K. Park, 2013, External jacket of FRP wire for confining concrete and its advantages, Engineering Structures 56, 555-566

K. Park, and G.H. Paulino, 2013, Cohesive zone model: A critical review of traction-separation relationships across fracture surface, ASME - Applied Mechanics Reviews 64 (6), 060802

E. Choi, Y.S. Chung, K. Park, and J.S. Jeon, 2013, Effect of steel wrapping jackets on the bond strength of concrete and the lateral performance of circular RC columns, Engineering Structures 48, 43-54

K. Park, G.H. Paulino, W. Celes, and R. Espinha, 2012, Adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening for cohesive dynamic fracture, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 92 (1), 1-35

K. Park, and G.H. Paulino, 2012, Computational implementation of the PPR potential-based cohesive model in ABAQUS: Educational perspective, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 93, 239-262 (Ranked 19 in Top 25 Hottest Articles in Engineering Fracture Mechanics, January-December, 2012)

E. Choi, Y.-S. Chung, J. Park, and K. Park, 2011, Inducing recovery stress of NiTiNb SMA wires using heat of hydration for confining concrete, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 22(17), 1949-1957

K. Park, and G.H. Paulino, 2011, Parallel computing of wave propagation in three dimensional functionally graded media, Mechanics Research Communications 38 (6), 431-436

J. Park, E. Choi, K. Park, and H.-T. Kim, 2011, Comparing the cyclic behavior of concrete cylinders confined by shape memory alloy wire or steel jackets, Smart Materials & Structures 20(9), 094008-1-11

G.H. Paulino, K. Park, W. Celes, and R. Espinha, 2010, Adaptive dynamic cohesive fracture simulation using edge-swap and nodal perturbation operators, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 84 (11), 1303-1343

K. Park, G.H. Paulino, and J.R. Roesler, 2010, Cohesive fracture modeling of functionally graded fiber reinforced concrete composite, Cement and Concrete Research 40 (6), 956-965 (Ranked 21 in Top 25 Hottest Articles in Cement and Concrete Research, April-June, 2010)

D. Ngo, K. Park, G.H. Paulino, and Y. Huang, 2010, On the constitutive relation of materials with microstructure using the PPR potential-based cohesive model for interface interaction, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 77 (7), 1153-1174

K. Park, G.H. Paulino, and J.R. Roesler, 2009, A unified potential-based cohesive model of mixed-mode fracture, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 57 (6), 891-908 (Ranked 1 in Top 25 Hottest Articles in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, April-June, 2009)

K. Park, J.P. Pereira, C.A. Duarte, and G.H. Paulino, 2009, Integration of singular enrichment functions in the generalized/extended finite element method for three-dimensional problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 78 (10), 1220-1257

K. Park, G.H. Paulino, and J.R. Roesler, 2008, Virtual internal pair-bond model for quasi-brittle materials, ASCE - Journal of Engineering Mechanics 134 (10), 856-866

K. Park, G.H. Paulino, and J.R. Roesler, 2008, Determination of the kink point in the bilinear softening model, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 75 (13), 3806-3818

J.R. Roesler, G.H. Paulino, K. Park, and C. Gaedicke, 2007, Concrete fracture prediction using bi-linear softening, Cement & Concrete Composites 29 (4), 300-312

J.R. Roesler, Paulino, C. Gaedicke, A. Bordelon, and K. Park, 2007, Fracture behavior of functionally graded concrete materials for rigid pavements, Transportation Research Record 3047, 40-49

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