Graduate Student

Nastaran Movahedi
Ph.D. Program
Yonsei University
Office: A440, Engineering Hall
Phone: +82-2-2123-4757
- B.S., Civil Engineering, Faculty of Transportation and Civil Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, Sep. 2013 - Jul. 2017
- M.S., Structural Engineering, Faculty of Transportation and Civil Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, Sep. 2017 - Jul. 2020
Research Interests
- Composite materials
- Computational fracture mechanics
- Failure in cellular materials
- Research Assistant, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Mar. 2022 - Present
- Teacher Assistant, Structural analysis, Faculty of Transportation and Civil Engineering., University of Isfahan, Jan. 2018 - Jan. 2019
- Effect of elasticity modulus variations induced by phase changes on the driving forces for crack growth in planar electrodes, M.S Thesis, 2020
Journal Publications
- Movahedi. N., Geravand. A., & Haftbaradaran. H., Investigating inhomogeneity effects on the crack driving force in two-phase electrode particles using a planar composite core-shell model., Mechanics of Materials, 152, 103652.
Journal Publications (under review or in preparation)
- Movahedi.N, JY. Kim, and K. Park, Stress intensity factor evaluation for non-planar crack surfaces using virtual grid stress recovery (VGSR) and interaction integral methods (in preparation)
International Conference Presentations
- N. Movahedi, JY. Kim and K. Park, 2024, Stress intensity factor evaluation for non-planar crack surfaces using virtual grid stress recovery (VGSR) and interaction integral methods, Society of Engineering Science - Augest, 2024
Domestic Conference Presentations
- N. Movahedi, JY. Kim and K. Park, 2023, Stress intensity factor evaluation for non-planar crack surfaces using virtual grid stress recovery (VGSR) and interaction integral methods, Computational Structural Engineering Institude of Korea - Spring, 2023
Teaching Assistant
- CEE5301 Continuum Mechanics, Spring, 2023-2024