Postdoctoral Researcher

Hyeong Tae Kim
Postdoctoral Program
Yonsei University
Office: A439, Engineering Hall
Phone: +82-2-2123-4757
- Ph.D., School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, 2022
- B.S., School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, 2015
- Post-doctoral Researcher, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Mar. 2022 - Present
- Research Assistant, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Mar. 2015 - Feb. 2022
- Undergraduate Intern, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Sep. 2014 - Feb. 2015
- Concrete Microstructure Modeling and Long-term Neutron Irradiated RC Behavior Analysis using Computational Methods, Ph.D. Thesis, 2022
- Best presentation award, Korea Nuclear Society, Mar. 2023
- CEE best paper of the year, Yonsei University, Mar. 2022
- Merit academic paper award, Yonsei University, Jan. 2022
- Best presentation award, Korea Concrete Institute, Nov. 2017
Research Interests
- Radiation induced damage in reinforcement concrete
- Meso-scale concrete microstructure analysis
- Concrete microstructure reconstruction using image analysis
Journal Publications (published or in press)
- D.F.T. Razakamandimby R., H.T Kim, T.S. Han, Y.H Lee, and K. Park, 2024, Recursive aggregate segmentation by erosion and reconstitution (RASER) to characterize concrete microstructure using complementarity of X-ray and neutron tomography, Cement and Concrete Composites, 148, 105437
- H.T. Kim, and K. Park, 2022, Computed tomography (CT) Image-based analysis of concrete microstructure using virtual element method, Composite Structures, 299, 115937
- H.T. Kim, D.F.T.R Razakamandimby, V. Szilagyi, Z. Kis, L. Szentmiklosi, M.A. Glinicki, and K. Park, 2021, Reconstruction of concrete microstructure using complementarity of X-ray and neutron tomography, Cement and Concrete Research, 148, 106540
- H.T. Kim, T.H. Kwon, and K. Park, 2021, Numerical evaluation of long-term neutron irradiation damage on reinforced concrete (RC) members, Construction and Building Materials, 302, 124252
- K. Park, H.T. Kim, and D.J. Kim, 2019, Generalized finite element formulation of fiber beam elements for distributed plasticity in multiple regions, Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 34(2), 146-163
- K. Park, H.T. Kim, T.H. Kwon, and E. Choi, 2016, Effect of neutron irradiation on response of reinforced concrete members for nuclear power plants, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 310, 15-26
- W.H. Kang, H.T.Kwon,H.T. Kim, and K. Park, 2016, Design strength evaluation of RC beams under radiation environments for nuclear power plants, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 301, 101-110
Journal Publications (under review or in preparation)
- H.T. Kim, and K. Park, Microstructure analysis of concrete with poly-mineral aggregate using Image-based VEM. (in preparation)
- H.T. Kim, and K. Park, Comparative study on the image-based FEM and VEM. (in preparation)
- H.T. Kim, K. Park, E.I. Yang, J.J.H. Kim, and M. Ju, Microstructure analysis of concrete with poly-mineral aggregate using Image-based VEM (in preparation)
International Conference Presentations
- H.T. Kim, and K. Park, 2023, Microstructure analysis of poly-mineral aggregate concrete using the image-based virtual element method, 5th International Committee on Irradiated Concrete, Tokyo, Japan
- H.T. Kim, and K. Park, 2022, Image-based microstructure analysis of composite material using virtual element method, 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Yokohama, Japan
- H.T. Kim, H. Chi, K. Park, and G.H. Paulino, 2019, Micro-structural analysis of composite materials using virtual element method, POlytopal Element Methods in Mathematics and Engineering, Marseille, France
- H.T. Kim, T.H. Kwon, and K. Park, 2018, Effects of radiation induced volume expansion on RC member behavior, 4th International Committee on Irradiated Concrete, Knoxville, United States
- H.T. Kim, T.H. Kwon, and K. Park, 2018, Response of reinforced concrete members in neutron irradiation environment, Technological Innovations in Nuclear Civil Engineering, Paris, France
- H.T. Kim, T.H. Kwon, and K. Park, 2018, Response of reinforced concrete members in neutron irradiation environment, Computational Design in Engineering, Changwon, Republic of Korea
- H.T. Kim, T.H. Kwon, and K. Park, 2017, Effects of radiation induced volume expansion and fluence attenuation on reinforced concrete member behaviors, 3rd International Committee on Irradiated Concrete, Prague, Czech Republic
- H.T. Kim, K. Park, and D.J. Kim, 2016, Fiber beam elements for distributed plasticity analysis based on the generalized finite element method, 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Diego, United States
Domestic Conference Presentations
- H.T. Kim, and K. Park, 2023, Numerical modeling of concrete microstructure with poly-mineral aggregate using image-based analysis, Korea Neutron Society (KNS) Conference - fall, Gyeongju
- H.T. Kim, and K. Park, 2023, Numerical study on the concrete fracture using virtual element method, KEPIC-Week Conference, Jeju
- H.T. Kim, and K. Park, 2023, Numerical study on the concrete microstructure using image-based virtual element method, Korea Neutron Society (KNS) Conference - Spring, Jeju
- H.T. Kim, and K. Park, 2022, CT image-based microstructure analysis technique to investigate the material properties of concrete, Korea Concrete Institute (KCI) Conference - fall, Jeju
- H.T. Kim, and K. Park, 2017, Behaviors of reinforced concrete members under neutron irradiation environment, Korea Concrete Institute (KCI) Conference - Spring, Jeju (Best presentation award)
- H.T. Kim, K. Park, and D.J. Kim, 2016, Analysis of a local plastic zone in reinforced concrete beams by using the stable generalized fiber element formulation , Korea Concrete Institute (KCI) Conference - fall, Sokcho
- H.T. Kim, K. Park, and T.H. Kwon, 2015, Effects of neutron irradiation on reinforced concrete members, Korea Concrete Institute (KCI) Conference - fall, Gyeongju
Teaching Assistant
- CEE4401 Construction Material Lab, fall, 2016 2021
- CEE3402 Reinforced Concrete Structures, Spring, 2015 2019
- CEE3410 Design of Concrete Structures, fall, 2015 2017