Research Professor

Minkwan Ju, Ph.D.
Brain Korea 21 Plus Program
Yonsei University
Office: A439, Engineering Hall
Phone: +82-2-2123-4757
- Ph.D., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea, 2009
- M.S., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea, 2004
- B.S., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea, 2002
- Research Professor, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Jan. 2017 - Present
- Research Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Kangwon National University, Aug. 2012 - Dec. 2016
- Structure and Maintenance Engineer, Division of long-span cable supported bridges, Korea Infrastructure Safety & Technology Corporation, Mar. 2009 - July. 2012
- Probability-based Punching Shear Model of Concrete Slabs Reinforced with FRP Rebars, Ph.D. Thesis, 2009
- Examination of Evaluation Methods for Load-Carrying Capacity of PSC I Type Girder Bridge, M.S. Thesis, 2004
Research Interests
- Experimental fracture mechanics of concrete structures
- FRP reinforced concrete members
- Structural recycled aggregate concrete
- Best paper awards, Korea Concrete Institute, 2020
- Research fellowship awards, Korea Concrete Institute, 2018
Journal Publications
- M. Ju, J.G. Jeong, M. Palou, K. Park, 2020, Mechanical behavior of fine recycled concrete aggregate concrete with the mineral admixtures, Materials 13(10), 2264
- M. Ju, K. Park, and W.J. Park, 2019, Mechanical behavior of recycled fine aggregate concrete with high slump property in normal-and high-strength, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials 13(1), 1-13
- M. Ju, K. Park, K. Lee, K.Y. Ahn, and J. Sim, 2019, Assessment of reliability-based FRP reinforcement ratio for concrete structures with recycled coarse aggregate, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 69(4), 399-405
- M. Ju, K. Park, and C. Park, 2018, Punching shear behavior of two-way concrete slabs reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars, Polymers 10(8), 893
- M. Ju, K. Park, D. Moon, C. Park, and J. Shim, 2018, On strain measurement of smart GFRP bars with built-in fiber Bragg grating sensor, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 65(2), 155-162
- M. Ju, K. Park, and H. Oh, 2017, Estimation of compressive strength of high strength concrete using non-destructive technique and concrete core strength, Applied Sciences, 7(12), 1249
- M. Ju, C. Park, and Y. Kim, 2017, Flexural behavior and a modified prediction of deflection of concrete beam reinforced with ribbed GFRP bars, Computers and Concrete, 19(6), 631-639
- M. Ju, Y. Park, and C. Park, 2017, Cracking control comparison in the specifications of serviceability in cracking for FRP reinforced concrete beams, Composite Structures, 182, 674-684
- M. Ju, S. Lee, and C. Park, 2017, Response of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP)-steel hybrid reinforcing bar in uniaxial tension, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 11(4), 677-686
- M. Ju, G. Park, S. Lee, and C. Park, 2017, Bond performance of GFRP and deformed steel hybrid bar with sand coating to concrete, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 36(6), 464-475
- M. Ju, H. Oh, and J. Sim, 2017, Indirect fatigue evaluation of CFRP-reinforced bridge deck slabs under variable amplitude cyclic loading, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 21(5), 1783-1792
- M. Ju, H. Oh, J. Lim, and J. Sim, 2016, A modified model for deflection calculation of reinforced concrete beam with deformed GFRP rebar, International Journal of Polymer Science, Article ID 2485825
- M. Ju, and H. Oh, 2016, Static and fatigue performance of the bolt-connected structural jointed of deep corrugated steel plate member, Advances in Structural Engineering, 19(9), 1-11
- C. Park, Y. Park, S. Kim, and M. Ju, 2016, New emerging surface treatment of GFRP hybrid bar for stronger durability of concrete structures, Smart Structures and Systems, 17(4), 593-610
- M. Ju, and H. Oh, 2015, Experimental assessment on the flexural bonding performance of concrete beam with GFRP reinforcing bar under repeated loading, International Journal of Polymer Science, Article ID 367528
- M. Ju, C. Park, and G. Kim, 2015, Structural health monitoring (SHM) for a cable stayed bridge under Typhoon, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 19(4), 1058-1068
- M. Ju, C. Park, E.S. Hwang, and J. Sim, 2015, Predictability evaluation of the existing punching shear formulas using failure test and probability-based approach, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 19(5), 1420-1430
- M. Ju, D. Moon, G. Kim and J. Sim, 2015, Evaluating rating factor for prestressed concrete girder bridges by nonlinear finite element analysis, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 11(9), 1250-1262
- M. Ju, H. Oh, and J.W. Sun, 2014, Simplified reliability estimation for optimum strengthening ratio of 30-year-old double T-beam railway bridge by NSM techniques, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 734016
- M. Ju, K.S. Lee, J. Sim, and H. Kwon, 2014, Non-compression X-bracing system using CF anchors for seismic strengthening of RC structures, Magazine of Concrete Research, 66(4), 159-174
Patent Registration
- FRP composite for blast, high-pressure, high-impact and seismic loading resistance of building structure and producing method thereof and construction method, 2016 (# 1016209130000)
- NSM strengthening technique for concrete structure by applying electricity system, 2011 (# 1010912570000)
- A hybrid fiber reinforced plastic rebar having a opticsensor for concrete, 2007 (# 1007092920000)
Teaching Experiences
- Kangwon National University: Structural Analysis, Maintenance of Civil Structures, Fundamental of Mechanics, Design of Steel Structures, Aug. 2012 - Dec. 2016
- Chungnam National University: Material Mechanics, Mar. 2007 - Aug. 2007
- Korea National University of Transportation: Construction Materials, Sept. 2006 - Feb. 2007
- Woosong University: Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Mar. 2005 - Feb. 2008
- Fundamental of Engineering (FE), National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying, USA, 2010
- Engineer in Civil Engineering, Human Resources Development Service of Korea, 2001