Graduate Student

Siwoo Jeon
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Yonsei University
Office: A439, Engineering Hall
Phone: +82-2-2123-4757
- B.S., School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, 2021
- Research Assistant, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Mar. 2021 - Present
- Undergraduate Intern, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, May. 2019 - Feb. 2021
Research Interests
- Prediction of Concrete Anchor Pull-out Resistance
- Fatigue Crack Growth in Concrete
- Computational fracture mechanics
Domestic Conference Presentations
- S. Jeon, M. Ju and K. Park, 2021, Prediction of Concrete Anchor Pull-out Resistance Using 3D Scanning and Nonlinear Fracture Analysis, Korea Concrete Institute (KCI) Conference - Spring, 2021
- S. Jeon, M. Ju and K. Park, 2021, Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth in Concrete Anchor Pull-out Test Using Cohesive Zone Modeling, Korea Concrete Institute (KCI) Conference - Fall, 2021
Teaching Assistant
- CEE3402 Reinforced Concrete Structures, Spring, 2021
- CEE5301 Continuum Mechanics, Spring, 2021
- CEE4401 Construction Material Laboratory, Fall, 2021